primekings star 김태현 wrote about the health of his sick mother :
아직 어머니께서는 암이 심해져서 입원하신건아니고 갑자기 콩팥쪽이 안좋아지셔서 혈압수치도 올라가 치료를 받고있다. 다행히 치료가 잘진행중이라 큰이상은 없고 진통제도 잘들어서 잠도 3주만에 잘주무신다고합니다. 아직혈압수치가 비정상으로 높아서 원인은모르고 입원중이신데 빨리 나으셨으면좋겠고 사진은 진통제 잘들어서 푹자고 얼굴 좋아보이셔서, 그리고 엄마가 귀엽게나오셔서 ㅎㅎ
다음주부터 항암치료 들어가는데 안아프고 잘버티셨으면 좋겠다. (병실이 안나서 응급실에 계셨었는데 2틀만에 병실로 올라감
What is the matter with you in the future what
will happen when the spirit, and not be straight.
My mother is still cancer in the hospital from simhaejyeo, and it's not a sudden kidney is not bad blood pressure you go neither be in therapy. Fortunately, treatment in progress well. Great more pain pills and sleep well, up in 3 weeks well gone to bed. Still abnormal blood pressure levels raise to do not know the cause of the battery. I'm in the hospital better come and see pictures of the pain pills well into sleep. You look like the face, and I know you be cute lol
From next week chemo didn't go well sick and see to the end. (bottle not the fruits in the emergency room. HE ONLY 2 days in which the disease indeed
