Ijodee speaks on the icon awards given to Germaine Acogny " Celebration of
The mother of #DANCE in Africa. She is the biggest and the most influential dance artiste in Africa. She is our mother, our #icon, our own living #legend

Abuja, capital of Nigeria, June 29, Germaine Acogny, was honored with the award of Excellence in the category "Arts and Letters" in front of the President of Nigeria, heads of state, ministers, personalities of the countries of Africa of the West for "her work, her commitment, her contribution to the training of West African youth in choreographic art and the wide dissemination of her work at the national, regional and international levels."
Germaine Acogny is considered as a figure History of Dance in Africa. "

She was next to Mrs. Annan who received, for her husband Dr. Koffi Annan, posthumously, the Honorary Award for eminent personalities, and Dr. Ameyo ADADEVOH who also posthumously received the Citizen Award deserving for his sacrifice at of the EBOLA Virus outbreak.

Instead of speaking, Germaine expressed her feelings and her thankless, with no words, through a short dance, which touched this illustrious audience.

A moment, a day that will remain encrusted in our memory and that we share with you."

CP: Presidency of Benin
